Welcome!  Hope Happens Here

What We Believe

We believe in the Triune God: The Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We  believe that the Bible is the Word of God. The Bible brings both the Law (which reveals the extent of our sinful nature) and the Gospel, or  "Good News," that through our faith in Jesus, we are saved and at peace with God and in His eternal presence. 

Our salvation is not found through following God's Law through good works.  Instead, Salvation is found through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

We gather together through the powerful working of God the Holy Spirit, who creates and sustains a saving faith in our hearts and minds. We receive the grace of the Holy Spirit through  the sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord's Supper, in which the crucified and risen Jesus comes to us "in, with, and under the bread and wine." 

Holy Baptism, both of infants and adults, brings forgiveness of sins, life and salvation to those who believe, as the words and promises of God declare (Mark 16.16).

....Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel.

Holy Communion

"This is my body."  The real presence of Christ Jesus is found in the bread and the wine of Holy Communion, the Sacrament of the Altar 

Those who come to the Table of the Lord through Holy Communion profess faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, who died to save us from our sins (Romans 3.23,24) and now lives in us as the Risen Christ of today (1 Corinthians 11.26; Romans1.17).  

Instruction in the Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther ordinarily precedes reception of the Lord's Supper.  But, if you are a visitor to Zion and believe as we do, we invite you to participate with us in the reception of Holy Communion.


(Allergy free communion wafers are available. Let the pastor or elder know before the service, if this is needed. Ingredients: filtered water, sweet rice flour, potato flour, organic palm fruit oil, potato starch, methylcellulose, sunflower lecithin.) 
